Find Dentists in Hamilton, MI

Looking for the best dentist in Hamilton can be hard which is why you have come to the right place. Our goal is to help you find the best dental practice near you. Make sure that you have the right dental coverage before you commit to any services. For all dental services in Hamilton including general dentistry, tooth extraction, implants, veneers, braces, or just general cleaning or teeth whitening we will help you find the right dentist! Look below to view our full list of Approved Dentists in Hamilton.

(269) 751 4601
3.8 miles

3494 Lincoln Road,
Hamilton, MI 49419 3494 Lincoln Road
Hamilton, MI 49419

Latitude: 42.67333 Longitude: -86.00145
  • Closest Dentist to You
  • Operating Since 1979
  • Recommended by patients
(269) 751 6515
1.0 miles

5890 Preservation Drive,
Hamilton, MI 49419 5890 Preservation Drive
Hamilton, MI 49419

Latitude: 42.659866 Longitude: -86.122129
  • Closest Dentist to You
  • Operating Since 1969
  • Recommended by patients
ribbon 3
Dr. Benjamin Wickstra

Dr. Benjamin Wickstra, Hamilton, MI

(269) 751 4601

2.1 miles

3494 Lincoln Road,
Hamilton, MI 49419 3494 Lincoln Road
Hamilton, MI 49419

Latitude: 42.67333 Longitude: -86.00145
  • Closest Dentist to You
  • Operating Since 2015
  • Recommended by patients
Google Map of Hamilton, MI

Hamilton Dental Insurance Tips from Dental Care Genie

Tips Image
TIP #1

Check to see that your dentist takes dental insurance in Hamilton. Find out if they submit claims to all dental insurance providers.

TIP #2

If you do not have dental insurance, you can look for a dental practice that offers patient financing options for the dental services you need.

TIP #3

Being a member of an association in Hamilton such as the American Dental Association means your dentist is held to a higher code of conduct.

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DentalCareGenie Serving Hamilton since 2016 combines powerful search tools, expert tips and reliable consumer information to help those looking for the best dentists that accept dental insurance and provide dental services and oral care education. Use our search feature to find family and pediatric dentists for dental procedures like tooth extraction, cosmetic dentistry, implants, veneers, braces or teeth whitening.